Friday, September 18, 2015

Galactus the Vitruvian Man by Kenneth Rocafort

The Ultimates is about to be relaunched soon and I was struck by this cover to issue #2 by series artist Kenneth Rocafort!

Ultimates 2 Galactus cover by Kenneth Rocafort

A cool take on Leonardo da Vinci's The Vitruvian Man! I am very much looking forward to this series. Writer Al Ewing did some interesting work on Mighty Avengers, assembling a team of African American heroes along with Spider-Man, and re-habilitating some older characters that had dropped off the radar. Kenneth Rocafort is one of my favorite artists who has mostly worked with DC Comics New 52 series until now. Rocafort's Twitter page will show you this cool, really small notebook where he does a daily drawing. Rocafort is interested in science fiction / fantasy material, some of these drawings remind me of Heavy Metal in the 1970s/80s. I am excited to see him bring that passion to the Marvel Universe. Nuff Said!


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