Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Daredevil and Spider-Man 2099 by Dan Mora

Usually I hate it when classic costumes are redesigned. This piece by artist Dan Mora is a little different.


Daredevil, still in a red costume, but a little more practical than just a big red jumpsuit. You can see this working better in a TV show. DD has a collar, leather wrappings around his wrist / forearms, a cool belt, knee pads. Yet it still stays true to the roots of the Wally Wood costume. I like it a lot!


Spider-Man 2099. Here's one costume that I don't think should be changed, it's fantastic, and Marvel for some reason decided to change it to a white and blue monstrosity - to not confuse readers with Miles Morales? Hard to say. Mora does a great job capturing Spider-Man 2099 in a futuristic setting, and you can still see his costume even though the background buildings are colored with blue tones!

You can find more of Dan Mora on his Deviant Art page. Nuff Said!


  1. That DD costume sure works for me. Kinda surprised with the major influence tv and film have on the comics despite much protesting by by the powers that be @Marvel, that this look, or the look from the tv show hasn't already been adapted by the comics yet. Give it time I guess.

  2. I agree, they didn't move too far away from the original design with DD. However, Spider man has gone through several crazy costumes choices. It is not surprising that they continue to make drastic changes to it.

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