Sunday, August 30, 2015

Santa Cruz Screaming Hand meets Marvel!

Hey True Believers! Here are two of the strangest Marvel related merchandise items I have ever seen!

I came across these while strolling down Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz, the name of the store was Pacific Wave Surf Shop.  Three skateboards with the classic mastheads for Amazing Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Thor.

The "screaming hand" is a Santa Cruz skateboard icon symbolizing the fear you might feel going down a steep hill on a skateboard! The hand was morphed into the forms of Spidey, Wolvy, and Thor. No, I didn't buy the skateboard, but I have to admit, I wanted to.

After doing some googling I see these are sold online everywhere, and for the truly radical, there is a Venom skateboard! Whoa. Nuff Said!

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