Sunday, September 8, 2013

Luke Cage Power Man - Marvel Slurpee Cup

I love the origin synopsis on the back of each Marvel Slurpee cup.  I wondered what would it say for Luke Cage?  He was falsely imprisoned for a crime he never committed and then gained his powers in crazy prison experiment.

Luke Cage PowerMan cup

The front of the Slurpee cup features Luke Cage in his glorious original costume designed by John Romita Sr: steel tiara, yellow shirt, chain belt, etc.  He looks angry!  You would be too if you were framed and had skin that was steel hard.

Luke Cage PowerMan cup back

The back of the cup doesn't recap his origin from Hero for Hire #1.  Instead it explains why Cage now calls himself "Power Man" -- Marvel's attempt to make him more of a straight superhero than a street-wise character.  Cage says:
I used to be called Luke Cage, Hero for Hire, but I dropped that name after I realized the guy with the money isn't always the guy who's right.  So now I'm on my own and you can call me Power Man!

Marvel Bullpen Bulletins announcing Luke Cage in Amazing Spider-Man 108 May 1972

Where did the Romita drawing on the front of the cup come from?  It wasn't used on any cover.  No, it came from a concept drawing of Luke Cage that Romita executed.  It appeared in Marvel's Bullpen Bulletins announcing the debut of Marvel's newest black hero.

Hero for Hire 1 splash page by George Tuska

On the splash page of Hero for Hire #1, George Tuska probably took that drawing as inspiration for the character's first appearance.  Or maybe it was the other way around and Romita executed his drawing based on Tuska?  I doubt it as it seems that Romita designed the visual for the character.  Nuff Said!

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