Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Trio of Amazing Avengers Covers by Jack Kirby

Last time, I knocked your socks off with that Marvel Treasury Avengers cover.  Well, these 3 covers for the regular Avengers comic are pretty darn great, too.

Avengers 151 cover by Jack Kirby, 1976

Avengers #151 is a classic cover, with the big three dudes (Thor, Cap, Iron Man) and one of those "old order changeth" issues.  It also marked the exit of writer Steve Englehart.  You can see the original Kirby pencils for this one over at Kirby Vision, along with a new ink/color job by Scott Reed.

Jack Kirby Avengers 151 cover re-inked colored by Scott Reed

It's interesting how different inkers will interpret Kirby's pencils.  Adkins changed the rendering in some places (Iron Man helmet and Thor's face) and the hand was changed from open to a pointed finger (probably an editorial decision).  Scott Reed certainly does keep to Kirby's original pencils.

You can see a few other Kirby pieces that Scott Reed has re-inked at the Kirby Musuem.  And Scott has a nifty website as well.

Avengers 156 cover by Jack Kirby, 1976

I think the cover to Avengers #156 is unique because of the perspective.  The heroes are flying up alongside a building, trying to reach Doc Doom on top.  Cap's guarding the Scarlet Witch while his comrades go on the attack.  A great ink job here by my pal Al Milgrom.

Avengers 148 cover by Jack Kirby, 1976

Avengers #148 is my least favorite among this set, but still cool because of the Squadron Supreme and Hyperion holding Thor over his head in a triumphant pose.

Check out the Jack Kirby Comics Weblog over at the Kirby Musuem.  Great stuff there, I really dig this Mister Miracle t-shirt that is coming out soon!  Nuff Said!

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